Recruitment Privacy Policy

During the recruitment process your privacy is important to Voltalia, and we are committed to treating your Personal Information lawfully, fairly and transparently. This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices of Voltalia Group and its subsidiaries with respect to the collection, use, retention or other processing of personal data in connection to its websites, mobile applications, email contacts or forms during the recruitment process.


You will find below the entirety of our privacy policy (“the Policy”) in accordance with the requirements of the various regulations relating to the protection of personal data including but not limited to the European Regulation 2016/679 (“the GDPR”), as well as any legislation adopted pursuant to this regulation or the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados no. 13.709/2018 in Brazil.

The terms “we”, “us” or “our” used in this document refer to Voltalia Group and its affiliates, and “you”, “your” and “yours” refer to the User of the Site.

Through this policy Voltalia commits to:

1. Respect your privacy and your choices during the recruitment process.

2. To ensure that all issues relating to privacy and security are central to our activities.

3. Collaborate only with partners who share our values.

4. Respect your rights to fulfil your requests to the extent possible.

Voltalia remains at your disposal for any questions regarding your Personal Data.

Scope of the policy

This Policy provides information on:

• The types of personal data Voltalia GROUP may collect about you during the recruitment process (e.g., your contact information)

• How personal data is collected

• The purposes and legal basis for processing your personal data

• Your rights and choices regarding your personal data

• How to contact us

Responsible for the treatment

Voltalia is responsible for the processing of Personal Data is Voltalia and can be contacted at the following address

In this respect, Voltalia is responsible for determining the purposes and means of processing Personal Data.

Voltalia undertakes to protect the Personal Data collected, not to transmit them to third parties without the User’s knowledge and to respect the purposes for which this data has been collected.

Furthermore, Voltalia undertakes to notify the User in case of rectification or deletion of the data, unless this would entail disproportionate formalities, costs and steps for the Voltalia.

If the integrity, confidentiality or security of the.

Personal data collected and processed by Voltalia during the recruitment process

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

During the recruitment Voltalia processes the following personal data:

Personal and business contact information, such as name, last name, gender, mailing address, email address, telephone number

Profile information such as User ID, login and password, profile picture, university, degree, certification and courses taken, type of organization (company, school, etc.), name, size, department, industry

We may collect your Personal Information directly:

• When filling out the fields in the career section (“Careers”)

• Through your application, during subsequent communications, by telephone or during interviews.

• We will process the personal data we ask you to provide as part of the process of evaluating your application for a job opening at Voltalia.

or indirectly:

• We may also receive or obtain Personal Data about you from third parties for example: Recruitment consultants, references from a previous employer, Business partners, Subcontractors providing recruitment or technical services, Analytics providers (such as career assessment companies), background check service providers, Data providers, and ranking or open data agencies where such Personal Data is commensurate with the job for which you are applying.

Please note that Voltalia asks only for personal data considered adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected.

Your refusal to provide this information may prevent us from following up on your application, as Voltalia may consider this data to be necessary to manage the recruitment process.

Why is your data processed by Voltalia?

In accordance with the requirements of regulations on of Personal Data protection, Voltalia relies on at least one of the following legal basis to process your data:

❖ The processing is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which Voltalia is subject (including verification of your eligibility to work);

❖ The processing is necessary to carry out all pre-contractual steps related to your application (including the verification of your professional qualifications and work experience – Legitimate Interest and the execution and/or preparation of the contract)

❖ The processing is necessary for Voltalia’s legitimate interests – including recruiting qualified individuals who meet our expectations – without ignoring your interest and your fundamental rights and freedoms.

❖ Processing of data relating to legal documents, or your criminal record will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and particular circumstances (e.g. for applicants for vacancies in the finance department or where required or permitted by applicable law, national collective agreements or binding decisions of the relevant data protection regulatory authority).

Data security

The Personal Data that we collect, and that we have subsequently obtained, is intended for us in our capacity as data controller. We make sure that only authorized persons have access to this data.

We maintain reasonable standards of physical, technical and administrative security to protect your data from loss, unauthorized access, misuse, alteration, destruction or damage.

However, despite Voltalia’s efforts to protect your personal data, Voltalia cannot guarantee the infallibility of this protection against any data leakage due to risks associated with the Internet.

It is important that you exercise caution to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information. Therefore, you should be sure to log off when using a shared computer.

Recipient of data and transfer to third parties

Voltalia may communicate your Personal Data to employees of the Group with other Voltalia employees or with Voltalia employees (in the country in which you apply and in other countries where Voltalia has operations, including the EU-EEA and Brazil) and with third parties as explained in the present policy.

Your personal data may be transferred outside your country for the purposes as explained in the present policy. Among other things, your data may be transferred for the purposes of reviewing your application, processing your information and providing support services.

The Personal Data is communicated for the sole purpose of achieving the purpose for which it is collected, in accordance with this Policy.

Subject to your express prior consent, we may also pass on your personal data to business partners, who may use them for their own purposes, for commercial purposes and/or direct advertising.

Finally, Voltalia may also be legally or legally obliged to disclose your Personal Data to the competent authorities. This is the case in the event of a legal dispute or an order from a public authority.

How long do we keep your data?

Our approach is to retain candidate data for a period of two years after the last contact with us in order to be able to consider you for future employment opportunities, unless you expressly object.

We will also retain your personal data in order to be able to bring a lawsuit or defend ourselves as a party to a lawsuit during the applicable statute of limitations, or as required by legal and regulatory obligations.

If you accept a job at Voltalia, then your personal data will be preserved accordingly to the Employee’s Information Policy.

Your rights
In accordance with regulations concerning the processing of Personal Data, the User has the rights listed below. For the data controller to comply with the request, the User must provide the following information: name, surname and e-mail address.

The data controller is obliged to respond to the User within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days.

➢ Rights of access, rectification and deletion

The User may view, update, modify or request the deletion of data concerning him/her/them, by following the procedure set out below:

The User must send an email to the following address: specifying the reason for the request.

➢ Right to data portability

The User has the right to request the portability of their personal data, held by the site, to another site, by complying with the procedure below. The User must send an e-mail to the following address: for request.

➢ Right to limit and object to the processing of data

The User has the right to request the limitation of, or to oppose the processing of his/her/their data by the Site, without the Site being able to refuse, unless it can demonstrate the existence of legitimate and compelling reasons, which can prevail over the interests and rights and freedoms of the User.

In order to request the limitation of the processing of his/her/their data or to formulate an objection to the processing of his/her/their data, the User must follow these steps:
The User will send an email to for request.

➢ Right not to be subjected to a decision based exclusively on an automated process

The User has the right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on an automated process if the decision produces legal effects concerning him/her/them, or significantly affects him/her/them in a similar way.

➢ Right to refer to the competent supervisory authority
If the data controller decides not to respond to the User’s request, and the User wishes to contest this decision, or if he/she believes that one of the rights listed above has been infringed, he/she is entitled to refer the matter to the competent National Authority.

You can contact the French National Authority (CNIL) for more information and to file complaint if necessary:
Contact us | CNIL

You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for more information and to file a complaint if necessary:
Contact us | ICO

You can contact the Brazilian National Authority (ANPD) for more information and to file complaint if necessary:
Contact Us — National Data Protection Authority (

You can contact the Portuguese National Authorithy (CNPD) and file a complaint at:

Update of the Recruitment Privacy Policy

Voltalia reserves the right to modify this policy to ensure its compliance with applicable legislation and regulations.

Therefore, the User is invited to consult this Recruitment Privacy Policy regularly to be informed of the latest changes.

Any changes to this Policy will be effective upon Voltalia’s publication of the new terms and/or upon implementation of the new changes in the website.